Saturday, July 29, 2006

In Vegas

Arrived late last night. Really late considering I was 3 hours ahead. My flight got in around 11:00 PST & by the time I got a cab to Bally's & got to my room it was 1:00. Of course to my body it was actually 4:00.
I checked out of Bally's and into the Rio today. I had to do that because when I made my reservations for Rio, I was figuring on flying in on Saturday. I later decided to fly in on Friday, but there were no more vacancies at Rio, so I had to book my arrival night at Bally's. Both rooms were/are really nice.

I went & checked out the WSOP scene. . . it's insane. They wouldn't allow any non-players into the poker room, so I didn't get to see any poker action, but the whole area is like a carnival. There are booths everywhere & every major online poker site has their own private room set up for those who qualified on their site. I'm actually on my way down to Bodog's room now for the meet & greet. Hopefully I can just grab my bag of shtuff & leave.

From what I've heard, there's over 8500 entrants so far & Day 1 had to play from noon until past 3am. For me that will feel like 6am, so I plan on relaxing tonight to prepare for a long day tomorrow.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Party $109

Took 3rd in the Party 40k last night. There were about 650 entrants & I won about $5600.
Very strange night. . . spooky almost. I couldn't lose a hand. Every small pair I held made a set (it seemed), all my overpairs actually held & I even had a couple of suckouts. I had a huge chiplead for most of the tourney & went into the final table with a small lead. I actually lost a big hand when we were down to 12. I held QQ & reraised an UTG raise. UTG called my PF raise & then called my pot-sized all in on the flop of K76. He held A7 & hit a 3rd 7 on the turn. If I had won that pot, I would of had 3.5x the 2nd stack going into the final table.
The final table itself lasted only 25 minutes. The same guy I lost the QQ hand to took out everyone it seemed. When we got to 3 handed he had 1.2M, I had 500k & other guy had 200k. After the shortstack doubles up & I burn some chips on a semibluff that doesn't work, I find myself as the short stack. Then I'm out when my AT can't beat T9s.
I was disappointed with the way things ended, but it was nice to actually make a decent score. Hopefully I didn't use up all my luck last night & I can keep my luckbox running during the WSOP. I fly out tomorrow & play my Day 1 on Sunday.

Monday, July 24, 2006

couple of Sunday tournaments

I played in the Bodog 100k & Paradise $30 rebuy.
In the Bodog 100k I got sick cards early, but no action. Got down to around 250 players (from 880) & lost back to back coinflips to bust. I'm on an amazing streak of losing coinflips over the last month or so. I swear I'm 20% to win a flip. The funny thing is that it seems like even when I win a flip, I have to hit a set cuz the overcard still shows up.
In the Paradise 30R I made it to the first payout, which wasn't enough to cover my rebuys. -$30. . . yay. The bright spot of the tourney was that I actually won a flip when my JJ held against AKo.
I tried a squeeze play for the first time. CO opened for 600 (100/200 blinds) & loose button called. I repop it to 2000 w/ T9o from the SB. Of course the BB calls, CO folds & button calls. Great. . . that worked well. Flop misses me & I check/fold. Turns out the BB had AK & the button had the all powerful 45s which apparently wins lots of chips when you can make straights with it, which he did, much to the BB's displeasure.
Hopefully I can play a few more tourneys before I leave on Friday.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Foxwoods $100 MTT

I am heading to Vegas to play in the WSOP Main Event next week, so I wanted to get some live play in before then. So. . . last night I headed down to Foxwoods to play in their $100 tournament. Pretty awful structure, but I knew that going in. You start with 2000 in chips & blinds @ 25/50. Within 40 minutes blinds are up to 100/200, so if you haven't done something significant in the first 20 hands, you're thrust into push/fold mode.
I only saw one flop. I had junk in the BB and got to check. Flop missed me completely & I folded. Besides that I had AQs in middle position and open raised to 150 (25/50 blinds) and took down the blinds. So once level 3 (100/200 blinds) hit, I was down to 1700. After blinds passed me I was at 1400. I stole blinds with A2o by pushing when it was folded to me in the cutoff. After that our table broke. I moved to my new table and played my one hand there in the cutoff. Blinds had gone to 100/200 with 25 ante. I get ATo & open the action by pushing my 1675 all in, hoping to take the 525 in blinds & antes uncontested. Button reraises all-in behind me with AKo and holds when the board doesn't help me. Oh well.
I tried wearing sunglasses for the first time. . . I hated it. I was in the 8 seat & had a hard time seeing the board & players' cards at the other end of the table. I just feel like there's no real advantage to wearing glasses. Only the aforementioned disadvantages.

First Post

I guess I'll use this blog to chronicle my poker adventures. Hopefully this time I'll update more regularly than the first time I tried this.