Thursday, July 27, 2006

Party $109

Took 3rd in the Party 40k last night. There were about 650 entrants & I won about $5600.
Very strange night. . . spooky almost. I couldn't lose a hand. Every small pair I held made a set (it seemed), all my overpairs actually held & I even had a couple of suckouts. I had a huge chiplead for most of the tourney & went into the final table with a small lead. I actually lost a big hand when we were down to 12. I held QQ & reraised an UTG raise. UTG called my PF raise & then called my pot-sized all in on the flop of K76. He held A7 & hit a 3rd 7 on the turn. If I had won that pot, I would of had 3.5x the 2nd stack going into the final table.
The final table itself lasted only 25 minutes. The same guy I lost the QQ hand to took out everyone it seemed. When we got to 3 handed he had 1.2M, I had 500k & other guy had 200k. After the shortstack doubles up & I burn some chips on a semibluff that doesn't work, I find myself as the short stack. Then I'm out when my AT can't beat T9s.
I was disappointed with the way things ended, but it was nice to actually make a decent score. Hopefully I didn't use up all my luck last night & I can keep my luckbox running during the WSOP. I fly out tomorrow & play my Day 1 on Sunday.


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Anonymous said...

Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.

Anonymous said...

Your site is on top of my favourites - Great work I like it.