Saturday, August 05, 2006

and I'm out. . .

Well. . . I'm out. Wasn't a whole lot I could do today. I knew I wasn't going to be able to fold into the money, so I had to try to accumulate chips. That didn't go so well. I didn't make it into the first break. Here's the hands i played:

I open from the button w/ J2o to 4k. SB makes it 12k. I fold.

Very next hand I open from CO with QJo, SB calls. Flop is AQ4r. SB checks, I bet 6k. SB makes it 12k, I fold.

Very next hand I open from HJ, to 5k ww/ QQ. Everyone folds.

Next orbit I open from MP w/ 99, 1 caller. Flop is KcQc4s we check. Turn is Jc, we check. River is 5c. I check he bets 6k, I fold.

Down to 12600 it folds to me in the CO with Kc2c. I push, Button calls with TT & I'm out.

Like I said before . . . it was a very tough position to be in, as I was the shortest stack at the table. If I waited around for a big hand I would have been ground away to nothing.

All in all it was a great experience. I really felt like I was one of the stronger players out of everyone I sat with. I also feel like I learned a lot. Even though I've played 100's of tournaments already, everything here just seemed so much more intense. It felt like 100 tournaments worth of learning condensed into 1. I greatly look forward to next year. I'd like to try to satellite my way into some of the other 10k events before that too.

After I busted out of the tourney, I headed over to the Wynn to play in their $500 3:00 tourney. Well. . . I got there at around 2:00 only to find out that the tourney is at 12:00. Blah. Oh well. . . I played some 2/5 NL & made $426.


Anonymous said...

Great Job! Like you said, it's great experience to build on for the future.
It's been great reading your blog to know what's happening. I know eveyone appreciates it. One question: do you take notes at the table, is that allowed? See you soon.

lethalphorce said...

You are allowed to take notes at the table, but you can't use any electronic devices. I was taking notes on my treo, until a floorperson came over & mucked my hand (I hadn't looked at it yet). After that I had to wait until the breaks to write down hands.